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     Jiangxi Jinsheng Chrysanthemum Industry Co., Ltd is a Return-hometownenterprise which dedicating to develop local ecologi

cal agriculture, was established by Mr. Li Jinsheng  who has been a leader in theChinese tea industry more than 30 years.

    We specialize in cultivating and promoting featured products, such as GoldenChrysanthemums, Imperial Chrysanthemum, green

 tea and black tea etc. Ourbrands are Harmony, Valley and Gunchee.

Our Imperial Chrysanthemum Introduction

    Our planting base located in a beautiful place near the mountain and river , here is enough sunshine and fertile soil, which gu

arantees the exceptional quality of our fresh flowers. We selecting the natural green organic chrysanthemum with intercropping plan

ting which only once per year. And we using modern science and technology method for drying original flower, for maximum reta

ining nutrients and various kinds of trace elements of imperial chrysanthemum.

    A dried flower alone is a sufficient and refreshing cup of drink, after brewing with hot water, become very fullness with golden yell

ow, like a fresh flower, so beautiful. The liquor is yellow bright and faint scent with good taste. According to ancient Chinese pharm

acopoeia "compendium of materia medica" records, chrysanthemum has sedative, improving eyesight, protect liver, detoxifying, 

scattered wind hot hairdressing health care efficacy. So Chrysanthemum not only has aesthetics value and good for health care.